Online & Mobile
Multi-platform solutions

Engaging through second screen is about maximising the reach of our shows. In today's rapidly changing technological environment, it's no longer enough to connect with our audience through television. Backing up our shows with mobile and web content means that not only is there another platform on which to invite players, but additionally, we can engage with them 24-7 and not just during broadcast times. Our developers are expert in designing solutions that are bespoke for your audience and your market. Available in any language, managed and maintained by us, these second screen solutions act as added value. They can also be developed as standalone solutions, operating in the marketplace independently. is a global online platform where users can connect in their native language with internationally-recognized psychics through video chat, giving the users a unique, real-time experience...

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The home of major global events featuring the world’s most prominent spiritual thinkers. We’ve broadcast fascinating and exclusive lectures from The Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Drunvalo Melchizedek to name a few...

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TV Show Websites

Recent studies reveal that more and more viewers own at least one smart mobile device and use it while watching TV. This 'second screen' helps better engage viewers and generate higher revenues...

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'Constantly connected' is the new way. Our team is constantly innovating to deliver revenue-producing mobile applications that will work with our content or stand alone...

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